Three years ago (almost 4!) I wrote a blog post never realizing it might be my last one for a long time. To be honest, I just got tired of it. I got busy. I had different priorities.
And then I kind of forgot about it.
But then today, I logged onto my blog looking for an old recipe and it just felt enticing again. It didn't feel like a chore to keep up and I felt excitement towards writing again!
So, here I am. And below is my pretty terrible attempt at quickly filling in the gaps over the last couple of years. Obvs, I'm just hitting the major high and low points.
- Said goodbye to my fur baby Hewitt.
- Took up a hobby.
- Traveled to Puerto Rico.
- Saw Hamilton!
- Got my tattoo redrawn and refreshed.
- Celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary in Longboat Key, Florida.
- Adopted the sweetest angel baby named Bear from a local breed rescue.
- Did a drastic side-shave on my hair.
- Bought a car!
- LOL does 2020 even deserve a shout out? Just kidding...
- Drowned my COVID sorrows with Animal Crossing.
- Started venturing out later in the year, masked up...of course!
- M started a YouTube channel.
- Took a lot of puppy pics. (Can you blame me?)
- Cut my hair. Again.
- Welcomed my niece to the world!
Phew, that's quite a bit of happenings over the last little bit. I hope you've stayed safe and well during the pandemic!