Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rainbow Chip > Funfetti. Always.

It's about to get random on TSF today. Just a forewarning.

My birthday is on Saturday and I will be making myself a delicious Rainbow Chip birthday cake. Have you ever had a Rainbow Chip cake? It's so good, it will make you want to slap your mama. But Rainbow Chip cake should never be confused with Funfetti. They are two completely different flavors.

Though the name "Funfetti" is indeed, a lot more fun to say, the difference in taste is huge.

Funfetti is basically sprinkles. So, a pack of sprinkles is included in your vanilla cake mix. Rainbow chips are delicious nuggets of smooth, sugary goodness. They melt in your mouth and are infinitely better than sprinkles alone. But I'm not biased or anything.

 So, if you ever get a request for a Funfetti cake, do yourself (and the person requesting the cake) a favor and use Rainbow Chip instead.

Post Publishing Note: Rainbow Chip is apparently now called Party Rainbow Chip. I guess Rainbow Chip wasn't fun enough on its own?
Post Publishing Note 2: Also, Rainbow Chip frosting has been discontinued!!!!!! Betty Crocker has decided to replace Rainbow Chip frosting with this disgusting imitation. This has caused quite an uproar (read customer reviews on BC website) and there are even petitions and Facebook pages to bring back Rainbow Chip frosting. This makes me overwhelmingly sad. How can you have a Rainbow Chip Party Rainbow Chip cake without the FROSTING?!


  1. I swear when I was little Funfetti was more in the style of rainbow chip! Or maybe we just grew up calling it funfetti --- but we really love the non-sprinkle kind of cake and icing.

    I cannot believe they discontinued the icing. That's bonkers.

  2. If I am going to use a boxed mix, rainbow chip is high on my list. But we always called it funfetti. Only recently did I realize rainbow chip is not funfetti.

  3. I found rainbow chip frosting at a random small grocer last year and bought 4 tubs because I hadn't seen it in so long. SO, now it's in my chest freezer but I hear they have started making it again. Thank goodness!!! Rainbow chip is NOT funfetti.

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