Happy Friday!
I don't know where you are but where I am we're fixin' (yes, I said fixin') to have a cold front. It's going to be a high in the 60s tomorrow and tonight it's going to be down to the high 40s!!
It's also gonna be kind of overcast a maybe rainy where I live so I plan on spending a lot of the day on Saturday lounging around and possibly baking up a batch of these with the B.
It got me thinking about pajamas. Whether you say pah-jahm-ahs or pah-jam-ahs, it's still the comfy go-to clothing that you wear when you aren't really trying to care. There are lots of kinds of pajamas out there nowadays, too. You've got your girly chemises, your pj pants, pj shorts, mens style pjs and then the "homemade" pjs which consists of old t-shirts and shorts that are no longer appropriate for wear outside of the house. ;)
So, out of the choices below, which one would you say best fits your style? Which one do you gravitate to when you think about spending a day inside lounging away or perhaps reading or crafting or baking?
I don't know where you are but where I am we're fixin' (yes, I said fixin') to have a cold front. It's going to be a high in the 60s tomorrow and tonight it's going to be down to the high 40s!!
It's also gonna be kind of overcast a maybe rainy where I live so I plan on spending a lot of the day on Saturday lounging around and possibly baking up a batch of these with the B.
It got me thinking about pajamas. Whether you say pah-jahm-ahs or pah-jam-ahs, it's still the comfy go-to clothing that you wear when you aren't really trying to care. There are lots of kinds of pajamas out there nowadays, too. You've got your girly chemises, your pj pants, pj shorts, mens style pjs and then the "homemade" pjs which consists of old t-shirts and shorts that are no longer appropriate for wear outside of the house. ;)
So, out of the choices below, which one would you say best fits your style? Which one do you gravitate to when you think about spending a day inside lounging away or perhaps reading or crafting or baking?
1. The old t-shirt and boxer shorts type of gal. It's all about comfort and convenience. You're most likely to spend your day writing a song, listening to/playing music or more mundane (but necessary) tasks like laundry or cleaning up after your toddler. :)
2. The girly chemise type of gal. You're gonna spend your day baking, online shopping or perhaps catching up on some amazing blogs or the latest magazines.
3. The athletic sleep shorts type of gal. You're kind of sporty. You maybe used to be a tomboy. You'll probably spend your day watching some college football or maybe some baseball. You might even decide to toss back an alcoholic beverage or two.
4. The down-to-earth, pj pants & tank type of gal. You're a sucker for some cute pj pants. You'll be using your free Saturday doing your chores (first) and then rewarding yourself with some delivered pizza and a Project Runway marathon.
I think I'm a mix of #2 and #4. What about you??