Wednesday, September 21, 2011

splurge vs. steal

[Splurge vs. Steal is a series about affordable fashion every Wednesday in September on A Little of This and That.]

Hey everybody, we're back again with another Splurge vs. Steal post. One of the outfits below is $3,394.00 and the other is a mere $158.00. Which one is the splurge and which one is the steal?

splurge vs. steal 2

If you guessed the splurge as the one on the left, you're correct!! A printed mini dress with colored tights and ballet flats is a HUGELY popular trend this fall, but for this trend, you definitely don't need to shell out a couple thou or two. Raise your hand if you have a few Gs to spend on one outfit?



That's what I thought. Thanks to cool stores like TopShop, H&M and department stores, you can definitely be a part of this trend for not a lot of money.

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