Friday, June 28, 2013

Confessional Friday: Pet Peeves

Happy Friday, poopsies! (Pretend I'm Ursula and you're Flotsam and Jetsam, okay? In that context, is how I used "poopsies". End weird nerdy intro statement.)

Today's Confessional Friday theme is one that's near and dear to my heart...

Pet Peeves.

Oh yes, it's time for y'all to see just how weird I am. You know, just in case yesterday's post and all of my posts, in general weren't enough of an indication. :) So, without further adieu, my pet peeves...

1. "I could care less".
Stop it! Stop saying this! We know what you mean, but you're saying it wrong. It should be "I COULDN'T care less". What you're trying to convey is that you don't care at all but when you say "I could care less" you imply that you care a lot. Please, for the love of all colloquialisms. Stop it.
2. You're.
If you are faced with the task of using the words you and are and you're not sure how to use them...just use both words, please. It is apparent that much of the English speaking world population doesn't understand the difference between a possesive your (your clothes, your job, etc.) and a contraction of you and are (you're funny, you're being ridiculous). When in doubt use both words. Please. Thank you.
3. Ugg boots and mini skirts.
This needs no explanation. It just needs to stop.
4. Loud talkers.
I am not a loud talker and you shouldn't be either unless you're at a sporting event or a club. Also, if you're a yankee and you live in the South you have no excuse. Assilimate already!
5. Too many carbs in meals.
Now, I love a carb. I haven't met many I don't like. However, it annoys me when certain restaurants...cough...Bojangles...cough...Zaxbys...serve fried chicken tenders, some sort of bread or biscuit and fries. Too many dry carby things. One must have a side of green beans or mac n cheese in order to have a balanced meal, right?
6. Too many sentence fillers.
I am so guilty of this but I don't notice it when I talk, of course. I loathe when people use filler words like "um", "like", "uh", etc. to fill spaces while they are talking. Just stop talking for a second and think about it then you won't need to use those fillers.
The end. :) Linking up with Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition for today's post. What are some of your pet peeves?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Things I Don't Do

I absolutely loved reading Steph's post on her blog yesterday. As a matter of fact, I lurved it so much I decided to do one on MY blog.

Ladies and gentlemen, Things I Don't Do...

Drink out of restaurant cups without a straw. Nah-uh! I worked in food service, y'all. No.

Touch raw hot dogs, if at all possible. I squeeze them out using the plastic package or tongs.

Drink after you. I hate it. G.E.R.M.S.

Love Journey. Sorry, Journites...I just don't love them.

Wear vests. You shouldn't either. Just let that process for a sec...

Spelunk. April doesn't like closed-in spaces.

Touch cats. I'm allergic and they are deadly assassins.

Drink beer.

Use the words "slaw", "water socks" or "moist", if at all possible.

Eat sushi.

Like "jumpy" animals like frogs, crickets and toads.

Drink coffee. Or tea. I know!

Go out all the time. I need to be home and hermitized.

Eat seafood.

Drugs. Duh.

Ever return anything (movies, library books, etc.) on time.

Find Ben Stiller funny. Ever.

"Purchase" books that aren't free on my Kindle.

What are some things you don't do?


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Non-Traditional Wedding Elements

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I have a wedding pinboard on Pinterest. Who doesn't? (Okay, don't answer that.) I was talking with a coworker the other day and she was shocked that I would consider eloping. Really? Just because I have wedding pinboard doesn't mean I can't elope. Right? :)

I HAS come up in casual conversation with M and I, but nothing soon...nothing immediate. Just...discussions.

Though I'm not sold on or against the idea of elopement, I do love the idea of a non-traditional wedding. There have been a lot of cute pins floating around that really show the variety of what a "non-traditional" wedding can be. In some cases, it IS an actual wedding, in some cases, not. Here are some of my fave non-traditional wedding pins of late...

To celebrate an elopement - a wedding UNinvitation
A gorgeous non-traditional wedding bouquet with a beachy vibe.
A non-traditional wedding dress...maybe not with the black sash though, right?
What do you think about non-traditional wedding elements?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Walks and Thoughts and a Honeysuckle Bush

Disclaimer: Today's post is a and a bit personal. You've been forewarned.

I've got a lot of things on my mind as of late. Sometimes, I start thinking about them all and it's overwhelming. Last night I decided to "walk it out", as I often do when I want to process or think about things. During my walk around the neighborhood I had a few talks with God and a few talks with myself.

I have experienced a lot of sadness lately. Not a lot of firsthand sadness, but it seems to follow me. I received some bad news about someone I used to know and the poor decision they made. I watched some of my friends from a previous church suffer through the loss of someone very close. I received troubling news concerning my father's health and the procedures he will have to undergo in the near future. None of these things are especially earth-shattering or life-altering...yet...but they seem to weigh on me unusually heavy.

As I walked around the very hilly neighborhood last night. I would notice my breath become more rapid and shallow when I walk uphill and it would slow down a bit as I walk downhill or when I was on level ground.

I was reminded that when sadness or troubling times come it's a lot like walking uphill. It's harder to breathe and you tend to only focus on getting up that hill.

The walk uphill brought melancholy thoughts. Sadness. Frustration. Even anger. Why do bad things happen? Why can't people make the right decisions? Why are people taken from this earth so soon?

It was at the top of the hill when the ground evened out a bit that I looked to my left and noticed a young bunny grazing in the twilight. He stood beneath a fragrant honeysuckle bush. The sight and smell of both took my breath away. So much beauty right there in the midst of my sad thoughts.

This scripture was imprinted in my mind at the moment:

Lamentations 3:22-23

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

An overwhelming sense of peace flooded me as I was reminded that God is good. His mercies are new every day. His grace is prevenient. His love is forever. To be struck by something as ordinary as a honeysuckle bush and a bunny made me realize that there is beauty in the ordinary. There is joy in the mundane.

There is peace in the promise of renewal.

As I continued walking downhill I found that my breathing slowed down. It was actually easier to breathe now than it was when walking uphill. I was able to breathe deeper and longer.

I thought that though my sadness is very real, the God who holds me is also real. Though my anxiety is high, my God is higher. When I don't know what else to do, the promise of new mercy and new grace each day sustains me.

My problems are minor in the grand scheme of the world. I am reminded of this in a way that isn't chiding, but gratifying. I am grateful that I am not sad all the time. I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful for the job I have and the friends I have and the people I love and the ones that love me. I'm grateful for life, for breath, for sanity of mind and for a glass of fruit punch when I'm thirsty.

I'm grateful for walks that help to clear out the fog in an anxious mind. And I'm thankful for the bunnies and honeysuckle bushes it takes to do so.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Faves

Happy Friday, friends!

This weekend is going to be a good one, I'm claiming it! :) To get this weekend started off right, allow me to share some of my fave things as of late...

I'm totally loving this skirt. I randomly stumbled across it's cousin in the clearance rack at Target and loved the fit so much I decided to get more in different colors and patterns. This one caught my eye so I'm anxiously awaiting it's delivery!
I started a new pinboard last night dedicated solely to statement necklaces. I'm loving how many statement necklace pins are already on Pinterest I haven't even had to pin from outside sources yet!
Me at work during the dance break of a song.Me at work during the dance break of a song.

Me on my way to steal your man
I just...I love ALM so much. The show is a little ridic and the moms are totally fake but I love Abby Lee! She's real! Also, I totally make that face when the server brings out my chocolate cake. :D
I bought a J Crew J Crew "inspired' statement necklace this week for $20. Yep. It's $165 on J Crew's website. #getonmylevely'all :)
I had edamame for the first time this week. It was SO good. It's like salty butter beans in pea form. Yep. That's my story and I'm sticking with it! I look forward to trying more edamame in the future!
Well, friends, that's all I have for today. Have a fabulous weekend and stop back by on Monday!
XOXO, April

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How to Dress for the 4th and Not Look Like a Dork!

How's THAT for an assonant rhyming title?

It's almost that time of year when red, white and blue becomes the fashion color choice of most...cough...cough...aka Independence Day (U.S.). For those of you non-'Murricans, Independence Day is also referred to as the "Fourth of July"...hence my snazzy title rhymes. :)

I've blogged before about how to dress for different holidays, but I figured The Fourth needed a little extra how-to love. I should also preface this how-to post by saying that you'll not catch me wearing anything with an American flag on it. Partly because I think it's a bit kitschy and partly because I think the American flag should be a flag...and not a t-shirt...or a pair of shorts...or shoes...or a bedazzled patch on the back of someone's Hello Kitty backpack. True story. But that's just me. However, there IS a way to dress for the Fourth without wearing the American flag...check it out below.

dress for the fourth

With these outfits, I wanted to show that incorporating patterns (that aren't strictly stars or stripes) can work. Also, it's important to not feel the need to wear red AND white AND blue. It's okay to just do navy and white or red and white. I did show all three in the outfits above so y'all can see it's possible to wear red, white and blue and not resemble Old Glory.
So, what are you wearing for the Fourth?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ipsy Beauty Gems

I've been a loyal Ipsy glam bag subscriber for 4 months now and they have yet to disappoint! Sure, in every bag there is usually something that doesn't work for me but the majority of that month's bag contents are awesome products that I actually use.

Below are some of my favorite new products from my Ipsy glam bags lately...oh, and sorry for the bad iPhone get the main idea though. :)

Star Looks Lip Pencil
NYX Powder Blush
Chella Ivory Lace Highlighter
Yaby Concealer (in the GLAMRX compact)
Perfecting Powder by Mirabella
Two Cosmetics Duo Eyeshadow

These are the products I've been using very frequently. I'm a fan of using products for purposes other than their original intended I use the pink eyeshadow as a blush (it really works on my fair skin) and the NYX powder blush as a bronzer and eyeshadow. The lip pencil is very coral-y so I usually layer it under a darker gloss or lipcolor for a different look.

Overall, I'm VERY satisfied with my Ipsy bag and the amount of usable products I get for the money. My mom and sister are happy with the bag too because they get the nail polish or blush that doesn't quite work for me. :)

Do you subscribe to any boxes/bags like Ipsy, Birchbox, etc.? If you're interested in Ipsy, check it out here. If you'd like to subscribe for your own Ipsy glam bag, click here.


This is not a sponsored post...I just really love the value of my Ipsy glam bag and want to share with my readers! Who doesn't love getting mail every month for a great value?! Um, duh!

Oh, and have you checked out my new "About Me" pseudo-infographic? I'm kind of obsessed with them. :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can You Help Determine My Dog's Ethnicity?

Hewitt, my dog child, is a mutt.

He's a mixed breed. A shelter dog. A pound puppy. A heinz 57. A hybrid. Whatever you want to call it. He's definitely not a purebred.

He's got some unique or unusual features and I'm always trying to figure out what his ethnicity is. I've heard people comment that he's probably a Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Terrier mix, Maltese and even a Bichon mix before.

Whenever I try to peg him, I get stumped. He's too large to be a Shih Tzu or Maltese, his legs are too long and ears are too short to be a true Lhasa. His nose is too long to be a Brussels and his coat is too straight to be Poodle.

Anyone else own mixed breed dogs? Does it bother you that you can't figure out what you're dog's ethnicity is? Is that just me? I found a few hybrid dog breeds that really make me think that's what Hewitt could be but I'm not sure. I need a second opinion. Sure, I know there are dog DNA tests but those are ridiculously expensive. So, I figured I'd do the next best thing and ask y'all, my blog readers, to help me.


I'm pretty sure he's mixed with a Brussels Griffon. The real question is...what other dog is he mixed with?

Can you help Hewitt and I solve his identity crisis? For the record, finding out his ethnicity will not make me love him more or will just be nice to be able to put a breed on his vet paperwork instead of "Terrier X". Also, I completely realize that this crosses the line into weird, obsessed dog lady, but hopefully it's endearing enough to not venture to the creepy side.
Also, I know Hewitt doesn't really have an ethnicity...but I like calling his breed that. :)
And, another side note - as I read this the morning after I wrote (I usually write my posts the night before) I realize that I should probably wait to publish them until I read them again. This post is ridic and quite a testimony to the fact that after 10 pm I get delirious. The end.
Have an interesting Tuesday, y'all.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Miss USA Pageant Thoughts

Happy Monday, friends.

Let's chat briefly about the Miss USA pageant, shall we? First of all, I had to be schooled by a much more pageant-saavy friend about the diff between the Miss USA and the Miss America pageants. Basically, one is a scholarship organization, I'll dub this the "brains" system. This is where the contestants usually have a "cause" and are very, VERY intelligent. The other competition is celebrity-driven and more of a straight-up beauty contest. This shall be called the "beauty" system. Obvs, the Miss USA is the latter with NeNe Leakes and Jessica Robertson as judges and a Jonas Brother as a host. (I forget which one...but does it really matter? It's not the hot one....who strangely looks kind of drugged out now. But I digress...) The Miss USA competition is part of the Miss Universe system.

However, I shouldn't knock these ladies. They looked amazing, beautiful and some of them were very well spoken. And all of them look a whole lot better in a bikini than I do. HA!

Evening Gown [source]
My favorite from the evening gown competition are the following four ladies:

Miss South Carolina USA - Megan Pinckney
I liked her very early on. She rocked it. She was very well spoken and articulate though I didn't particular care for some of her responses to questions. This dress was gorgeous. It looks like shimmery water on her and she looked beautiful in it!
Miss Illinois USA - Staci Juris
Mad props to this lady for rocking sleeves. I loved this dress. The color and fit were perfect. Sadly, this contestant was a bit forgettable.
Miss Alabama USA - Mary Margaret McCord
Girlfriend, go on. I loved this dress. It was totally dramatic and classic at the same time and those statement earrings are awesome! Miss Alabama was one of my favorite contestants of the night as well.
Miss Nevada USA - Chelsea Caswell
Not a fave contestant of mine, but this dress was totally gorgeous. She looked like Jessica Rabbit!
Sadly, one of my early favorites, Miss Utah USA, completely bombed her question. She looked killer though.
Here was the question and answer...provided by Maxine.
Question from judge Nene Leakes, the reality TV star: “A recent report shows that in 40 percent of American families with children women are the primary earners yet they continue to earn less than men. What does this say about society?”
Miss Utah:
“I think we can relate this back to education and how we are continuing to try to strive to . . . [long pause, punctuated by a sheepish yet radiant smile]. . . figure out how to create jobs right now. That is the biggest problem and, I think, especially the men are seen as the leaders of this, so we need to . . . [shorter pause] . . . create education better so we can solve this problem.”
Bless her little heart, y'all. Poor thing. I know she just was having a moment, but how bad is it to have a moment in front of millions of people?! I can't even...

Other thoughts:
Where did Miss Connecticut come from? Dude. I wasn't expecting that one at all. I'd say she was a dark horse, for sure, because she completely flew under my radar...especially after this neon green half-dress disaster she wore in the opening sequence. Hey, but good for her and good luck at Miss Universe!

Also, Jessica Robertson as a judge has me in a pickle. First, I love her show and her family and such. AND, she could have totally been a contestant if she weren't married. :) BUT, is she really suitable for being a pageant judge? I don't know. I'm not sure what type of pageant background, if any, she has. But, this is also a competition where Bob Harper (The Biggest Loser) was a judge, so...yeah. Girlfriend sure looked FIERCE though.

Did you watch the pageant? What are your thoughts? Okay, okay, BESIDES how bad the Jonas Brothers sounded. :)
Linking up with Funday Monday!

Friday, June 14, 2013

In Honor of Dad


[Note: This is probably the scariest photo of my dad, ever. EVER!]
Happy Father's Day, dad! I'm blessed to call you my father.
Repost of last year's Father's Day blog post.
Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. May you be able to spend time with the ones you love this Father's Day...and hopefully, that means your family. :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013


It's no secret that I love color. Some might even call me a colorphile. It makes my soul hurt a little bit when I wear only neutrals and I almost always have some pop of color in my daily wardrobe ensemble. I have a Pinterest board dedicated solely to colorful things, my favorite MLP just happens to be Rainbow Dash and I even have a blog post tag called "color".

One of my favorite ad campaigns of all time was the Bryce Dallas Howard for Kate Spade New York campaign in 2011.

In other words...I've got it BAD for color...


What about you? Are you a colorphile or a colorphobe?

PS: I just ordered this amazingly cute JCrew lookalike necklace similar to the one in the top right of the collage above from Sassy Steals for $20! Click here to get yours! No, this isn't sponsored, I just need to share the color love, mmkay?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

One Skirt, 2 Different Outfits

 I purchased this adorable multi-colored boucle skirt in the clearance section at Tarjay. I was literally salivating when I got home when I thought of all the colors I could pair it with. (I'm weird like that.) For the first round of outfits with this skirt, I chose to pair it with a dark pink tank. From there I used different shoes, accessories and cardigans to change up the look a little.

I loved the idea of aqua and pink because these are two very prominent colors in the skirt. So, I went with what I tend to do best and used both colors when styling this skirt. I kept everything else fairly subtle (nude flats and a simple necklace) because the contrast of the aqua and pink were so striking.

I have to admit that of the two, this is my favorite. Something about navy and pink makes me happy. At first, I thought navy might be too dark for the lighter colors in the skirt, but I think it works. It keeps this look a little more profesh (and I actually did wear this to work!) and slightly more subdued than when I used the aqua and pink.

Outfit Details:
Skirt (Target)
Navy cardigan (Old Navy)
Aqua cardigan (Target)
Tank - Rue21 (Similar, Similar)
Nude flats - Payless (Similar, Similar)
Nude heels - Forever 21 (Similar, Similar)
Mint necklace - Via Groopdealz
Monogram necklace - Christmas gift

I look forward to styling this skirt even more as the summer progresses. Have a fabulous Wednesday! Linking up with Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy.
