Friday, January 10, 2014

Confessional Friday & GO PANTHERS!

Happy Friday! It's raining and cold here. That kind of weather is for the birds...and Seattle. So, I'm over the weather but I plan on cheering up with a delicious steaming mug of Peaches & Cream Oatmeal. Yum.

I'm linking up with Leslie for today's Confessional Friday post, so let's get to it!

//1. I confess that I feel incredibly guilty about buying anything for me at the moment and I suspect I'll feel like that until the wedding. I just think I shouldn't be buying XX since I could use that money for XX (wedding thing).

//2. I confess that I downloaded and proceeded to play for about 30 min straight Disney's Nemo's Reef game on my phone.

//3. I confess that in a fit of irritation and annoyance I deleted my My Little Pony game on my phone and thus had to search for a replacement game.

//4. I confess that I've started watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix and...I just...I have no words for it. It's awkward and weird and a little crass but hilarious! Like, I don't want to like it but the storyline is really funny and the main character is awesome!

//5. I confess that I'll be rooting for my hometown NFL team this weekend as they play their first playoff game in 8 years. I'm so excited for them! I guess this isn't really a confession...but I wanted to have an odd-numbered list. So...yeah.

Go Panthers!


  1. I watched Orange is the New Black this summer. It gets really raunchy, but stays funny and otherwise good the whole time.

  2. I get so addicted to phone games too!! I am coming over for Leslie's blog. So excited to start following you, you're adorable!

  3. I tried to watch Orange in the New Black, it made me uncomfortable, lol. I think its because the who having to go jail thing would be super horrible. Let me know if you get through it. I watched two episodes and stopped. Have a great weekend.

  4. Came over from Leslie's link up.
    I have been told to watch Orange is the New Black, but haven't yet. It's been a while since I watched anything really.
    Have a great weekend


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