Instead of a day-by-day recap (because you would probably die of boredom) I'm doing it a little differently.
- Gift highlights: 4 cardigans, 4 statement necklaces, 4 pairs of ballet flats, 1 pair of cheetah print pumps, 2 different kinds of perfume (that I desperately needed) and lots of gift cards!
- Christmas Eve food: My immediate family always gathers on Christmas Eve for appetizers and present opening. We've been doing it since we were born. This year, everyone gathered at our new house and we had a lot of fun!
- Relaxing on Christmas Day by only visiting one house. Every year, my family has traditionally traveled on Christmas Day to multiple family members' houses. Last year, our first married Christmas, we traveled to 3 houses in one day and drove for many hours. This year, I wasn't going to have any of that, so we just went to M's parents' house for Christmas Day. It was lovely and we were back home by 3pm. DIVINE.
- I hosted the Annual Christmastime Mafia Party at my house last night and it was a lot of fun! There was definitely some chaos and ridiculousness, but we've come to expect it with our group. :)
- M and I exchanged one gift early with each other and it just happened to be a Christmas ornament. I think we did a good job with each other's. :)
- Waking up to severe intestinal cramps and GI upset on Christmas Day. It worked out that we didn't do a lot of traveling because I was having a really hard time. I'm thinking it was something I ate, but I was literally doubled over in severe abdominal pain for most of the morning starting at 6am. Needless to say I took it easy and ate bland food all day. :(
- The weather was the pits. It was mid to upper 70s and rainy/humid. THAT IS NOT CHRISTMAS WEATHER! I'm sorry, I know lots of people loved the warm weather but I did not. And it's been raining every day since like August. I hated it.
- After Christmas shopping. I did manage to pick up some wrapping paper and gift bags on Christmas clearance, which was great. But I tried to go in to shop at a few places and it was madness. Not people madness, store-in-disarray madness. I went into Old Navy and literally there were piles of clothes on tables and stuff hung up and stuffed everywhere. It was like an expensive flea market and it gave me so much anxiety. Other places were clean/organized but the sales weren't that good. WASTE. The saving grace was Bath and Body Works, which was organized well and was having a good sale.
Today we are traveling to see my grandparents so I'll probably check back in later this week. Hope you all had a great Christmas!
I have returned items to two stores but done no shopping aside from TJ Maxx. That wasn't looking that bad. I am hoping to hit Marshalls this week and I need to return to Old Navy tonight after work - I dread what that will look like!
ReplyDeleteSorry for the illness. MFD was totally peeved about the warm weather and not enjoying it AT ALL.
beautiful christmas pics...