Thursday, February 9, 2017

Skills I Have That Don't Belong on a Resume

I'd consider myself a jill-of-many-trades. And though resumes should make you appear well-rounded and interesting, there are just some skills that have no place on a professional resume. But they do have a place on a lifestyle blog, right?

Skills I Have That Don't Belong on a Resume


IFC hello england british comedy bang bang

Mostly a British one, a Spanish one, Russian and also deeply Southern.

Outfit Planning

Saturday Night Live snl mom amy poehler tina fey

People have asked me to help them plan and put together outfits and I've ventured into it for my mom as well. Read about that here.


From my book-shelf to my closet, things are in ROY G BIV order. It makes me less anxious and calms my eyes. Also when I buy a new pack of crayons (don't you??) I dump all the crayons out and put them in ROY G BIV order with the black/white/gray/brown neutrals at the back of the box.

Furniture Rearranging

I'm pretty good at rearranging furniture and home decor to get different looks. I do this quite frequently. I think some people calling it "shopping their home".

Budget Clothes Shopping

I never pay full price for clothing and accessories. My pride and joy is using multiple discounts to purchase Kate Spade merchandise. :)

Relating to Anyone About Anything

In my short 32 years of life I've worked in a variety of industries, done a variety of hobbies/activities and have a variety of friends. What this translates to is my ability to relate to pretty much anyone over a particular subject. Marketing? Check. Animals/veterinary stuff? Check. Military stuff? Check. Church stuff? Check. Nerdy things? Yep. Food? Absolutely. Football? Yup.


I can recite the letters of the alphabet backwards from memory. I learned it when I was 3 and still remember it. This is useful never unless I'm trying to pass a field sobriety test maybe? IDK.

These are my useful but not professionally useful skills that don't belong on a resume. What are some of yours?


  1. How do you get kate spade discounts?!? The only time I've been able to make that happen was working at a dept store that sold them and I am in desperate need of a new one! ��


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