Tuesday, November 2, 2010

top 5 tuesday: surprise likes

There are lots of things that I haven't tried or done in my 25 years of life. Many of these things I've simply not been exposed to while others I've chosen to not try. For example, I'm a pretty picky eater. There are lots of foods that I don't eat and when I see a dish that contains ingredients I don't really like, more than likely I won't eat it.

However, I'm becoming more exposed to things that I either thought I wouldn't like, or have never tried and let me tell you...more often than not I LOVE what I try. Here are the top 5 surprise likes that I never-in-a-million-years would have tried...

1. Last Night's Dinner. Okay, so it was pork chops stuffed with stuffing, apples and dried cranberries and a broccoli/onion and cheddar casserole thing. Out of that whole meal, I'll eat pork chops, apples and cheddar cheese. Imagine my surprise when I LOVED the entire thing. Every bit of it. Even the vegetables. It turned out to be one of my top 5 favorite meals...and perhaps another Tuesday post in a few weeks.

2. Nintendo Wii. As a child who never had any sort of gaming system, I repulsed any idea of owning one. They are, after all, rotting the minds of children. BUT, as I've begun to play games with my friends' Wiis, I've realized that not only is it fun and entertaining, but also challenging. I was surprised at how much I liked it. Maybe not enough to buy one...but I'm okay with letting my mind rot once in awhile.

3. Pumpkin. I've never carved one nor eaten any product of one before. Lately, I've not only carved a pumpkin, but also made and enjoyed some delicious pumpkin cookies. Never in a million years would I have tried these things on my own...especially the cookies...because pumpkins smell weird...but I digress. I was pleasantly surprised at both.

4. Scrubs. Having glanced at the show in the past I wrote it off considering it to be a comical version of E.R. However, when it was on tv at my boyfriend's house, I watched it...and enjoyed it. It's actually pretty witty and satirical. Just my style.

5. Pilates. If it ain't cardio, it ain't a workout. That used to be my mentality. That was, until I tried Pilates. I did it on a whim, and I was so sore the next day, I knew it was working. I've been doing it for a few months now, and while I still add the occasional cardio and/or weights, I definitely see way more of a difference when I do Pilates, not only with flexibility and muscle tone, but with posture as well.


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