Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekend Recap

Normally I'm a stay-at-home-and-take-it-easy type gal on the weekends. But this weekend was jam-packed! Recap is below!

On Saturday morning I ran a 5k with my mom. I beat last year's time by over 3 and a half minutes. My official time was 45:05 (pic above was from what I was tracking on my phone). I want to start running more of these because it's addicting and I'm anxious to run more races! 

After the 5k, we made the 1 hour trek down to Columbia to the SC State Fair. Let me just say that it was a good thing that I ran a 5k in the morning because pretty much all we did at the fair was walk around, look at the animals and exhibits...and EAT. 

And man, did we eat. Deep fried Double Stuft Oreos, Deep Fried Reese's Cups, Corn Dogs...mmmm! Also, for the first time this year, we really enjoyed seeing all of the agricultural exhibits. SC sure does grow some pretty things! 

Sunday, my best friend's baby was being dedicated at church. Below is a pic of her and I on Thursday night. Isn't she adorable??

Sunday was wrapped up with grocery shopping and bargain hunting at Dollar Tree, Dollar General and Publix. I did score some great deals. But I've realized that I have a bit of a problem when it comes to couponing...the problem being that I can't stop. Seriously. My non-food stockpile is taking over the linen closet. 

My whirlwind weekend has come to a close. I can say with certainty that I'm ready for the week to start! 

1 comment:

  1. Great weekend! Fair food is amazing. I always eat things I should definitely not be eating. But it's only once a year!


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