Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

I'm loving everything about this Thursday this week. It's a short work week and it's finally starting to cool down a little bit where I live. (So it's in the 80s and not the 90s.) I look forward to when the daytime temps are in the 50s and favorite time. Here's a round up of some of my thoughts on all things current and random.

I don't love pumpkin really at all. The only time I like it is in these pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I make. That's it. No pumpkin pie, no pumpkin bread and most definitely no PSLs. #byepumpkin

Actually, I don't like coffee. 

So, with that, my blogger card has been revoked. But I do love fall and maybe that will qualify me to get it back? 

I've been seeing a lot of fall fashion pins on Pinterest. I would wear about one out of every 7. Some are absolutely atrosh. Like this one, this one and especially this one. But along those lines, I DO want to buy a cute plaid blanket scarf. Any tips? 

Apple talked about all of their new technology yesterday. One big component of their 2 hour presentation was an update to Apple TV that allows you to add new channels, customize your channel offering, purchase additional channels and search for shows/movies amongst ALL channels on your device. 


Except my $50 Roku already does all of that. So for 3x that price you can purchase a new Apple TV and get basically the same thing. Cool. 

So with that...I'll leave you with this...

an actual commercial for dancing with the stars

Link up below, y'all! 


  1. It's going into Spring in Australia. So, I see all these fall posts, and I'm like "are Americans the only people who use pinterest to talk about seasonal changes?"

    I don't like coffee either. #noncoffeedrinkersunite

  2. Love Roku, hate coffee but love the first two outfits!
    I have this scarf and love it:


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