Yes, I'm a time watcher. I see when you come in late and leave early and I silently hate you for it.

When I see people online shopping, or worse, having conversations for an hour about non-work things. Also, see above.

See #1. Obviously this is a big deal to me. I put in my 9+ hours and you should too.

Oh...sorry. I fell asleep. You're doing what with your kids/family/dogs/etc. this weekend?

When someone says they are going to chance eating something that has been in the fridge for 2 weeks.

When a C-suite walks down by my desk...

When you tell me you are "absolutely slammed" with work yet I see you posting crap to Facebook during the day.

When I ask you "How are you doing?" and I get back an complete diatribe on how your life is awful, your antibiotics aren't working and your boss hates you.
Happy Friday!
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