Tuesday, February 15, 2011

top 5 tuesday: most favorite blooms

TODAY IS MY 100th POST!!!! YAY!!!!!!

Back to my regularly scheduled program. I've got flowers on the brain. Yesterday, because of Valentine's Day, there were a ton of them out at Target and the grocery stores. Plus, I stinking love flowers (pun intended) anyway and usually have some around my house at any given time. I got to thinking about what my favorite kind of flowers are because I generally don't go the roses or daisies route. I like unique and different ones. So, without further adieu and in random order, here are my top 5 favorite flowers.

1. Daffodil (narcissus jonquilla) Though there are many, many forms of these. My most favorite are the solid yellow ones. I loved that in Willy Wonka they were edible teacups and saucers.

Source: Original

2.  Poppy (Papaver somniferum) I love the traditional red one but there is also a Himalayan Blue Poppy that's beautiful.

Source: gallery.hd.org

3. Blue Irises (iris spuria) This reminds me of one of my favorite Vincent Van Gogh paintings. I think these flowers are just gorgeous.

Source: Joebarrphotographer.com

4. Sunflower  (helianthus annuus) Even as a young girl I loved these flowers. I went through such a sunflower phase that I had a sunflower bedroom with a sunflower border, yellow walls and sunflower bedding. This flower just makes me happy to look at it.

Source: Original

5. Plumeria (frangipani) These are exotic and unique. They come in the most beautiful array of colors, I've seen. This one, specifically is Tahitian Sunset Plumeria.

Source: thamesnursery.net
What are some of your favorites?


  1. Congrats on the hundredth post! I've never seen a Plumeria, but it is beautiful.

    I love lilies (all kinds) and tulips. I bought me some cheap tulips at wal-mart this weekend that were a gorgeous shade of red. The best part is, I can plant them later and they'll come back next year!


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