Tuesday, November 6, 2012

thankful printables

Inspired by all the 30 days of Thankful posts/statuses I've seen all over various blogs and Facebook pages, I decided to do a few graphics/printables centered around the theme.

These can be used for screensavers, desktop wallpapers, iPhone wallpapers, or printed out and hung on refrigerators or doors to remind you to be thankful. (Right click on each and save-as.)

for iPhone/iPad

What are you thankful for this year?



  1. These are so festive! I can't wait for Thanksgiving! I can already taste the pumpkin pie! I found you through the Southern Bloggers Blog Hop and I'm from NC too! I love meeting other bloggers that are close to home, while I love all my international followers and think their posts are so interesting, there's just something comforting reading about familiar places and local people!

    Your Newest Follower!


  2. Today I am thankful for the right to vote. As a friend pointed out, people, and especially women, all over the world have made sacrifices and risked their LIVES in order to vote. It is a privilege we should not take for granted.


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