Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween Tips & Last Minute Costume Ideas

Halloween is in 2 days!

While I've not always been the biggest Halloween fan, I do enjoy dressing up and handing out candy. Over the years, I've had a few re-post worthy blog posts about Halloween on TSF as well. Here are a few Halloween tips and some last minute costume case my Grumpy Cat idea from Monday wasn't your cup of tea...

If you are planning to hand out candy...

1. Don't be the janky Halloween candy house.
2. Turn your porch light on...duh.
3. Do not hide on your front porch to try and scare the trick-or-treaters. More people are carrying concealed weapons these days so you just mind find yourself in trouble.
4. Commit to handing out candy to kids. If you just put a bowl on your porch and leave it will be emptied in about 2 seconds and then kids will trek up to your door only to find an empty bowl. This could even result in some Halloween mischief with older kids.

If you haven't figured out your costume...

Click here and here to see some Halloween costume ideas that you can put together from things you might already have. If those don't suit you, this Buzzfeed article has some great ideas!

If you are NOT planning to hand out candy...

DO NOT turn your porch light on. Seriously. The more lit your house is, the more likely you'll get a stray visitor or two. Make the front of your house as dark as possible so there is no question. I've learned this lesson the hard way and got 3 random people at my house. I didn't have candy for them and the look on the kids' faces...devastation.

Final word of advice: under no circumstances should you ever dress up your child like this.

Yes, that is me on the left. And that is literally the scariest costume ensemble I've ever seen. For the sake of all that is holy, put DOWN the clown costumes for your children. Or photos like these will haunt your dreams.
And yes, I blurred the face of the girl on the left because..she probably doesn't want evidence that witnessed that terrifying costume.

Happy Halloween!


  1. at the moment..i don't have a costume

  2. I try to keep my house as dark as possible and I STILL get visitors! I also stay away from the windows and don't answer the door. Ha!

  3. As I recall, YOU picked this costume out! LOL!!


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