Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Modesty Movement

There are a number of reasons one might use to explain The Modesty Movement that is happening in women's fashion. You could reason that it's a direct backlash from our over-sexualized society, or you might say that it's more of a throwback to vintage fashion. Some might even say that women who have always dressed more modestly are just now commanding more of the market and retailers are listening and adding modest styles to their inventory.

But for whatever reason, The Modesty Movement is in full swing. Just search #modestfashion or #modestclothing on Insta and you'll see tons of posts! Personally, I'm a big fan of this and it's not because of religious reasons...but just because I'm more of a modest person.

Modest clothing is categorized (for the most part) by having arms (shoulders) and tops of legs covered and higher or more generously cut tops. (Nothing with a low neckline.) And though, for some of you, that may seem like something like this, there really are so many awesome modest clothing options out there.

The Modesty Movement

The Modesty Movement by aprilanne147 on Polyvore

Stores like Shabby Apple, Modcloth and Florence Adams have jumped on board The Modesty Movement and have awesome selections. 

I'm singing in a wedding this weekend and I'm wearing a 3/4 sleeve long maxi dress. I love it so much and can't wait to wear it...and hopefully I won't be accused of being a sister wife. :) What do you think about this throwback/modesty movement in women's fashion? Would you consider your clothing more modest or not?


  1. A 3/4 sleeve maxi? Show me!

    I look best in v-necks and some of them are so low like hello I have to go to work. LOL

  2. the first dress is fab..i like its colors

  3. I'm a v neck girl myself, I need a little skin up there to open up my face.

  4. I've seen a couple of other events at other places, but this was my first time in here. It was amazing! Great event venue Chicago, it's smaller than those bigger places but it is still a fair sized venue. Food was great and I think it's recently renovated - it didn't seem old or anything.

  5. "Slow Marks" (user that commented above) is a link spammer that posts comments so they can insert a link to the website that hired them. The same comments has been posted almost 100 times on other blogs. Here's a search for a string of text from your comment so you can see for yourself that these blogs all have the same comments with a link to some page on the same site."smaller+than+those+bigger+places+but+it+is+still+a+fair+sized+venue.+Food+was+great+and+I+think+it%27s+recently+renovated"

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