Tuesday, January 11, 2011

top 5 tuesday: top 5 things to do on snowdays

1. Get crafty. Go here and be inspired to try something new. Sewing project? Woodwork? Painting? Jewelry making? Silk screen? There are tons of projects on here ranging from easy/beginner to difficult/expert.

2. Get organized. Take the time that you have to be inside anyway and get some stuff done around the house. Need to purge your closet? Or maybe your shoe closet? (yes, it is possible and plausible to have a closet designated solely for shoes...but I digress) Maybe you want to re-organize your kitchen cabinets?  Think of it as a (large) jump on the spring cleaning.

3. Get ahead. Have some projects/tasks that will be coming up later in the month/year? Get a head start on them. Start working on your taxes, researching/planning your vacation or even making your Christmas gift lists. Anything that consumes your time later on in the year, you can use this time to work on it now.

4. Get caught up. Fallen behind on your New Year's Resolutions? Forgotten to plan out your menus for the last few weeks? Take some time to go back and re-evaluate what it was that made you stop doing something that you want/need to do and work on ways to keep yourself from stopping again. I heard somewhere that shoveling snow burns more calories than running or something. Maybe that's just wishful thinking?

5. Get desperate. I've been known to surf the net and find the most hilarious and ridiculous viral videos ever. So, here are a few of my favorites straight from YouTube. Enjoy!
Bill Cosby Understanding Southern http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1NsC98xVN0
The Beatboxing Flutist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8_K0l12A5E
Bill Dance's Fishing Bloopers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_BLggf-mqs
Senior Adult Hip Hop Choir http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1kjkUAA9VM
Boom Goes the Dynamite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W45DRy7M1no
Falling Supermodels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36WgNX_--hI


  1. I totally needed this. I'm tired of being penned inside.

  2. I thought of you when I was writing it. I hope it can help fend of boredom, friend. :)

  3. The beatboxing flutist made Bonnie really nervous.

  4. HAHAHAHA. Poor Bonnie. I'm glad you liked the Bill Cosby clip.


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