Tuesday, February 7, 2012

top 5 tuesday: did you know?

Okay, so today's post isn't ACTUALLY a Top 5 post but I am listing 5 things. What are those 5 things? Well, I'm glad you asked.

Recently, I joined the Bloglovin' train and I love it! Do you know what Bloglovin' is? It's like Google Reader or another site where you can read all of the blogs you follow without having to open separate windows for each page. There they are everyday in one convenient place. It's pretty cool. If you're on Bloglovin', you can follow A Little of This and That on there! Just search for this blog's name "A Little of This and That".

Also, I created A Little of This and That Facebook page. Did you know that? No? Well, you can "like" A Little of This and That (henceforth, ALOTAT) on Facebook. I'm going to try and do some different things on Facebook than on the blog, so you should really check it out. You can click on the Facebook button on my sidebar and it will take you straight to my page. Oh, and you can read my blog entries on THERE too!

To round out the list, I'm also on Twitter, Pinterest and I have email. :) The links to the first two are also listed on my sidebar, so look me up. And as for email, you can always email me with questions, comments or ideas! My email is aprilanne147 [at] hotmail [dot] com. It's also listed on the Contact Me page located right underneath my header.

So there you go! There are at least 5 ways to get in touch with me and keep up on all the ALOTAT action. 1) Bloglovin' 2) Facebook 3) Twitter 4) Pinterest 5) Email. Now, y'all have no excuse! HA!

Happy Tuesday!


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