Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Well, y'all, I'm going camping again this weekend. This time for TWO nights instead of one. Yes, I know. Who am I? :)

But, in a desperate effort to come up with some cool ideas for my camping trip, I created a camping board on Pinterest. This introduced me to the idea of Glamping. Glamping, which is the combination of glamour and camping, is, in my opinion, the best of both worlds. It's camping (being outside in a tent or tent-like structure) but it's not really "roughing it", so to speak.  Or, nature and s'mores and the great outdoors with a real bed and not so rustic accommodations. It's really a perfect combination, if you ask me!

DSC_0389 copy550

Glamping is a more luxurious way to go camping.

glamping-site montana

glamp-site Australia

Safari tent interior

While I'm not sure how M might take to the idea of Glamping, I definitely think it's worth a try, right? :D Anywho, my camping trip this weekend is NOT a glamping trip, but I did beef up my camping gear (and I use the word "gear" very, very loosely here) with the addition of an inflatable/foam sleeping mat. This is like a foam pad/mat that you put your sleeping bag on and it can also inflate too. I think this will go a long way into making my camping experience even better. 

Of course, I know many of you are probably camping veterans. Any other tips/tricks/ideas are welcome! 



  1. Glamping. Ha! That does sound more like you, my glamorous friend.

  2. Now this is something I can get behind. Amazing!

    I'm proud of you for going again this weekend, for two nights! That's great. Can't wait to read about it next week!

  3. My family and I go camping every year and we have yet to master the art of real camping... we tend to bring all the comforts of home. This year we'll be spending a lot of time at my brother in law's camper. I mean it's on a campsite so it's just like camping right?


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