Thursday, April 25, 2013

Things I Love Thursday

Now that it's tan season - a bronzer tutorial for everyone. 
This is me. All. Of. The. Time.
I want to go here sometime. It's beautiful!
And this is a brilliant idea!
Must do this at the beach with the fam this year. Must!

And now, for your weekly GIFts. Heh. See what I did there? Yes!!!

Haven't watched the show, but am slightly afraid to do so. Anyone else?
Ever think people just post stuff for likes? You know, like photos of their kids? Joking!
Holy cow, Vicki is a train wreck. She just looks bad. 
But I DO work for chocolate.
Your weekly June. :) 

That's me for work. Putting a little paint on the barn to look good. BAHAHAHAHA!

And a few more things I'm loving: Steph's post on how to throw an awesome party | Ali's closet. The whole dang thang. And her pup! | This adorable outfit that Krystin is wearing. The green piped blazer! | Leslie's post inspired me to re-do my cubice (pronounced like cube and office). I want to make it pretty, whimsical and sophisticated with a touch of My Little Pony. Any ideas? | My friend Jill posted about weight lifting and we share a similar sentiment that My Fitness Pal does not "reward" calories for weight/strength training. That's some crapola. It's hard work. And is probably why my quads are SCREAMING today. | I wish I could rock one of these types of shirts on my camping trip this weekend. But I just don't think it's "me". | Lastly, I need this. The end.

Well, we're one day closer to the weekend, so happy Thursday! 



  1. Thanks for the shout out!

    That math thing is ME! My mom sent me an email this morning that involved figuring out if something was a good deal or not and it had a ton of math in it. I just replied, "Mom, I can't. I haven't had coffee and the math makes me feel sick." hahahahah

    I love love love those umbrellas.

  2. I love the beach picture. And thanks for the shout out!


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