Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: The Invitations

Deciding on the invitations was surprisingly harder than I thought it would be. M and I had a hard time finding something that went with our wedding theme but also was...well, us.

First of all, I decided not to send out Save the Dates. Personally, I just didn't really want to spend the money on it when I'd turn around 2-3 months later and send an invitation. So, I opted out of them and will send my invites a little earlier than what is "customary" for sending them. (Nothing wrong with Save the Dates, they just weren't on my radar or budget.)

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So I knew I was going to do an invite and probably some sort of enclosure card. However, I also wanted to opt out of the traditional response cards for RSVPs and do something electronic. Most of my wedding audience is fairly tech savvy or at least uses email. Initially, I thought about utilizing the RSVP feature that has for their wedding websites, but then decided that RSVPing to an email address was a bit less daunting for those with minimal tech experience. Almost everyone sends emails but not everyone is intuitive enough to navigate a website. I decided to create a gmail address to be used solely for our wedding RSVPs. This eliminates us having to print and pay for response cards and can save some trees too! Yay!

Once we figured out the RSVP method, we just included the email address on the invitation. I also wanted to put our registry information and wedding website out for others to view, so I opted to also do an enclosure card that contained the all-important registry info and wedding website. And thanks to a friend who works for the parent company of the website I ordered the invites from, I was able to get the invites, envelopes and enclosure cards for less than $500. And that was for 225 of each!

Without further adieu, here are the invites and enclosure cards. (oh and the back of the invites and enclosure cards too because they are so pretty!) Obviously, I've blurred some info out...just to maintain a bit of privacy here. But I mean, it's not because I don't trust y'all, you just never know the creepers that lurk about. HAHA.

I just really, really love them. They are not traditional at all, but unique and colorful and very "me"...I mean..."us". ;)


  1. Those are really pretty! I like that you did something different for your invites, too!
    I was an idiot when I ordered my invitations...I was so focused on how many people were coming as opposed to the COUPLES, that I ordered an invitation per person, plus a few extra. Ugh. Probably wasted about $100 with my bonehead move. Now I dont have to worry about running out tho haha

  2. WOW! So not traditional and I love it!

    Can't wait to get mine! : )

  3. Oh, are you doing special stamps?

  4. love how your invites turned out! my wedding is next September so i'll be looking at invites next year too.
    -- jackie @ jade and oak


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