Thursday, November 10, 2011

pretty things thursday

No rhyme to today's post...just a list of a few of pretty things I've come across lately. From Pinterest.

This awesome DIY idea. Stretch a fabric shower curtain over a canvas, staple and hang!

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This awesome card.

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These classy and chic monogrammed mugs. I do love a good monogram...

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This prep-meets-military cardigan in one of my fave color combos: lime and navy.

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This cute and chunky beaded necklace in a natural color palette.

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This teal tile & tub (say that 3 times fast!) with a lime green towel.

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This amazing recipe for cake batter bark.

Ah. This pretty things post satisfies my itch for randomness. How about you?


  1. Love that couch. so pretty and enticing. :)

  2. Wow, I remember navy and kelly green being a popular color combo when I was about 12 or 13. I always thought it was a nice combo but kelly or lime green looks awful on me:(

  3. You know what's awesome? That I have 2 of those pins and that I love everyone of those ^ yay twins!


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