Thursday, May 17, 2012

thursday's things

I'm in kind of a random mood today.

Here are some random things you might enjoy...

::: I'm loving this awesome hair station organization idea.

::: I don't exactly remember how I stumbled across this website, but I seriously love it. It's hilarious.
This is one of my favorites.

::: This pin. S'cuse the lang...I just love it so much.

::: I don't know why this makes me laugh so much but it does. [Source]

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::: I think this recipe is on my weekend plan. Oh stink, and probably these too.

::: I've been stalking this dress since I saw it online last week.

::: Oh, and this one too. It's a little bit Dorothy and a little bit Anne of Green Gables.

::: This song has been absolutely haunting me lately. It reminds me of my grandfather a little bit but then it's also strangely comforting and soothing. IDK. Do you ever just have REACTIONS to music that you can't explain?

::: Ever since I saw this cute outfit I've contemplated wearing my gold glittery stilettos to work. Thoughts?

::: Lastly, I'll close with this photo. I found it on Pinterest and laughed for about 10 minutes.

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  1. Great post! You are great at being random.

  2. My little girl, E, giggled like crazy at that last picture! She can't read, so I didn't have to worry about the language :)

    Oh, and regarding Cuppa Kim's pin - a friend's daughter threatened to run away from home when my friend only gave her the beater to lick and gave her younger sister the bowl! Eating batter is serious business.

  3. OMG that lasagna quote cracks me up :-).


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