Thursday, April 14, 2011

sew simple: easter dress

If you've been following along, you know about my recent adventures into sewing. I got a sewing machine for Christmas and I'm (slowly) learning how to use it. Right? Okay.

Also, we're getting close to Easter. Let me preface what I'm about to say by saying that Easter is first and foremost a celebration of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. That is the true meaning of it. Not all of the pastels and candy and bunnies and stuff. Though, those are fun too. I don't mean to trivialize Easter by talking about what people wear on that Sunday. However, it IS kind of a big deal down in the south. Even if you go to sort of a casual church, people still usually put a little more thought into what they wear on Easter Sunday. For me, it's always a tradition that I get a new dress or outfit for Easter. (dating back to my childhood when said Easter dress was accompanied by white lacy gloves, lace-trimmed socks and a white hat)

So, because I've been into sewing lately I had a revolutionary idea! (okay, not revolutionary, but work with me here...) I would MAKE MY OWN EASTER DRESS. Yes, that's right. Make it. Sew it. Piece it together. The whole shebang.

Phew. It's kind of daunting. But after the quasi-success of my last sewing project (the simple skirt) I figured I could incorporate that into a dress idea. So, without further adieu, here is my Easter Dress Plan.

So, there it is. I'm up for it! I'm going to start on it this weekend. I plan on purchasing a pre-made top to sew into a skirt and waist band piece that I make. For those of you whom I know personally, you'll be able to see the results of my labors on Sunday, April 24th. For the rest of you, I'll post a results blog soon afterward.

Let the craziness commence!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the fabric choices - they're gonna look really pretty together I'm sure. Good luck with it all :)


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