~Bare Minerals Foundation by Bare Escentuals: I have the driest skin ever...except for my chin area which seems to produce more oil than Saudi Arabia. Anywho, this stuff rocks because it works with both of my skin needs and it lasts a LONG time.

~Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Lotion: Built in SPF 28 (which is perfect for me) and it's not too heavy for the summertime.

~Avon Glazewear Shine Lipgloss: Not too sticky and just enough pigment for summer. Plus, it's usually only $5.99!!

~Garnier Fructis Style Curl Scrunch Gel: Perfect for when I want to scrunch my hair and wear it wavy. It's not too heavy and it smells great!
~ChapStick Ultra SPF 30: Sunburned lips are no joke. Literally, try laughing at something funny when your lips are chapped. PAIN!
Is there a summer essential that you rely on? Do share!
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