Wednesday, August 17, 2011

crazy about chevron

Whooeee, I'm all about some Chevron print as of late. Chevron, in case you aren't familiar, is a pattern that looks like an inverted "V" that's repeated. Chevron prints originated on ancient pottery and then took form onto Scandinavian and European tribal flags. More recently, the Chevron look made its way onto modern military insignias.

But, it has also seen a resurgence in the fashion/design world. Chevron prints are making their way onto furniture, clothing, textiles, and even in its own painting technique. Here are a few Chevron pretties that I found via Pinterest.

Personally, I think Chevron is a great, graphic take on my most favorite print... stripes. What about you? Are you a fan of Chevron or do you prefer some other print? 

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