Tuesday, October 2, 2012

OOTD: mustard and mayonnaise

Cardigan // Flats: Target (similar) // Jeans // Tank: Old Navy (similar) // Sunnies: Walmart // Necklace: Local store

I was tremendously nervous over wearing a mustard yellow cardigan. Sure, I was excited about adding it to my cardigan collection but actually wearing it scared me. 

I have this weird thing about wearing a color that's the same as my hair color next to my hair. So I don't think I should ever wear yellow near my hair. When I was a redhead I didn't like to wear red on top either. I'm just weird like that. 

I'm also weird about how mustard would look with my pale skin. Mustard looks great on tanned people. I am melaninistically-challenged. Could this whiteness rock the mustard yellow?

But then I thought about how mustard yellow occurs in nature. Well, in MY nature. It occurs with mayonnaise on a burger or a sandwich. 

Stay with me here...if mustard and mayo can go together, then my pale whiteness can rock mustard yellow. And since my hair isn't the same shade of yellow, I think it actually works quite nicely.

Now, after reading that diatribe, you deserve a snack. Burger, anyone?



  1. I love the yellow with the teal necklace!

  2. You rock it girl!! And the teal necklace breaks it up, totally works for you!!!


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