Tuesday, June 14, 2011

top 5 tuesday

I apologize for my blogging absence yesterday, y'all. I was in Wilmington, NC helping the B look for places to live. Oh, did I mention that the B is moving to Wilmington? He got a job down there as a Critical Care Paramedic and he moves at the end of the month. I spent most of Sunday and Monday down there with him exploring the city and looking at apartments/condos.

So, I came back to VBX or Vacation Bible EXperience at work this week. In order of the craziness that is VBX, I'm posting my Top 5 favorite things about VBX (VBS)....here we go.

First off, a little collage of what's going on outside my office today...

1. Snacks. They always have the bestest (yes, I said bestest) snacks at VBS. Cookies, punch, goldfish, pretzels, fresh bread, ants on a log and lemonade!!

2. Energy. There's no doubt that the week of VBS is full of crazy energy. Yelling, screaming, worshipping kids and adults all together doing crafts, projects, hearing scripture, playing games and having lots of fun!

3. Volunteers. I love being able to see adult and teenage volunteers that I haven't seen in awhile. I also love that some of these people take the whole week off from work just to be able to serve children.

4. Mission. We've got about 400 kids at our VBX this year. We've also brought in about 150 children from an inner-Charlotte African and Cambodian native ministry so that our kids can worship alongside children of other races. So awesome!

5. Petting Zoos. Unfortunately, because our theme isn't set in the Bible era we don't have a petting zoo this year. But in years past we've had camels, goats, sheep, donkeys and even ducks/chickens over to let the kids see and touch some of the animals that were around back in Bible times. I do love a good petting zoo. I've always wanted a petting zoo for my birthday...which is in January...alas. :(

Anyway, I've got to get back to helping. Have any of you ever been a part of a Vacation Bible School before?


  1. I love Wilmington! That area near the river is so pretty, and it's close to the beach and has its own film studio! The B should sign up to be an extra there!

  2. I sent my little guy to VBS last summer (Go Fish Guys). The church did a great job and his teacher (a good friend of mine) was great, but . . . I had an over-stimulated 4-1/2 year old on a sugar high. Plus, it was evening VBS so by the time I got him to sleep it was 10PM and we were all exhausted the whole week. We decided to wait a few years and try again with a day-time VBS. This summer we're taking it easy and reading a lot (he just learned how!).


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