Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Prayer for America

Author's Note: This is repost from last year. As I sat down to write appropriate words, nothing adequate came to mind. The only thing I changed was the year reference. May these words give you comfort or cause for reflection.

The American Flag whips in the wind at Ground Zero on 9/12/01

Eleven years later we are still fresh with awareness of the attack on our country. Where we are self-seeking and vengeful, grant us peaceful reconciliation. Where we are bitter, renew our minds. God, we are so blessed to live in a nation that is FREE. We are so thankful to be part of your great mission. Give us strength to continue to be your disciples, daily. We pray for the hearts of the people in our country who have still not come to know you, and we earnestly ask for your Holy Spirit to break through any doubt, fear or anger and to fill them with the Love that only comes from You, God. May You, who grants endurance and encouragement, give us a spirit of Unity among ourselves as we follow You. We are grateful for the sacrifices made by many on our behalf and we are grateful for the greatest sacrifice made for all of humanity by Your Son Jesus Christ.

God, we ask that you continue to bless America.

In Jesus' Name,


1 comment:

  1. I linked to my post last year too. I think you can only write about some things one time. It takes a lot out of you.


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