Monday, January 20, 2014

Blog Search Keywords: Am I Really that Random?

Have you ever looked at the search keywords that people have used to find your blog?


Okay, I'll excuse you for a minute while you do. If you don't know how, follow the steps below:

This is only for Blogger blogs, by the way.
1. In your menu options (Posts, Pages, Comments, Layout, etc.) click "Stats".
2. Click "Traffic Sources"
3. Scroll to the bottom to see the search keywords.

Now, since your mind is probably blown with the ridiculousness that has brought readers to your blog, let me just share mine with y'all.

I would like to comment on these briefly...

"thestripedflamingo" and "the striped flamingo" - I assume this is people looking for my blog. A few months ago I had to change my blog's domain name (long story) so I assume people are looking for my blog? Perhaps I'm just being overly positive??

"buffalo cauliflower bites" - This is, by far, my most pinned thing from the blog. It's not surprising that it still shows up from time to time.

"curvy hips" - Um...thanks?

"pale blonde colored hair" - Truth. I love pale blonde hair and sort of also have pale blonde hair.

"striped flamingo" and "the striped flamingo blog" - See reason #1.

"dresses with boots outfits" - I have, on occasion, blogged about boots and wearing them with dresses. You can read those here.

"i speak fluent sarcasm" - I'll be honest that I loved this so much, when I discovered that someone found my blog by searching for that phrase, it pretty much is what made me write this post.

"mike the tiger" - This is probably from my witty commentary on mascots and their real-life cousins.

Have you ever looked at your blog's search keywords?


  1. My keywords are mostly variations of my last name and my blog title "The Wetherills Say I Do" so I guess that means people are looking for me too? Who knows:) I love looking at the traffic sources though, most of mine come from Facebook, Bloglovin', or Pinterest.

    Happy Monday! :)

  2. Haha love this post! Too funny!!

    Jenna from Visions of Vogue


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