Tuesday, March 29, 2011

top 5 tuesday: favorite wedding ideas

For those of you who know me personally (and not just bloggingly...yes I just invented that word) DO NOT PANIC/BE EXCITED/ETC by the title of today's post.

I absolutely love wedding stuff and I enjoy helping plan/creatively input for other people's weddings. Over the years I've seen lots of cute ideas at other people's weddings that I loved or I've come across many interesting pictures of wedding stuff while browsing on the internet. With wedding season coming up, I thought a timely Top 5 Tuesday post would be to share some of these ideas with y'all. Enjoy!

1. This un-matchy candle-and-flower-and-goblet idea!

2. This beautiful collection of all kinds of lights and candles.

3.  This bridal party picture. It's just really cute.

4. This bride and groom photo clothesline idea from my friend Beth's wedding.

5. Funny or unusual wedding cake toppers
Like this owl one...

Or this wooden owl one (look at the writing on the tree!!)

Or even these Pez dispenser toppers...

I can't really post any image credits because most of these I've had for so long in a picture folder on my computer. So...sorry.

With all of the cute ideas I've seen there've also been many, many, MANY things I did not like. Hmm...maybe another Top 5 post sometime? :)

1 comment:

  1. I love wedding stuff too! That second picture with all the lights is dreamy.

    P.S. I can't wait until I CAN get excited for you. : )


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